ADL equipment set consists following three sets of different activities. The sets provide learning opportunity and progressive development of dexterity & Finger coordination.
1. Door-Latch Frame Set;
* It has Six laminated doors, opening in different directions.
* Each door opens into a shelf where a reward or toy can be kept.
* Common hardware of different designs, generally used in the home is used to familiarize patient.
* Size of laminated unit is 26"x18"x5" deep.
2. Electro-Equipment Frame Set;
* Switches; Five different types of switches Toggle, Rotary, Piano, Fan-Regulator and Bell Push Switch are wired to Five coloured pilot bulbs.
* The Bell push button switch is wired to a call bell.
* Plug & Socket; Set of Plug & Socket wired to a pilot bulb.
* Power; All Switches operate on 220 V.A.C.
* The unit is beautifully finished in a laminated box of size: 15"x10"x5" approx.
3. Dressing Frames, Set of Four;
* Designed to teach basic use of clothing fasteners.
* Set of Four laminated boards fitted with 1, Laces, 2, Buckles, 3, Buttons and 4, Zippers.
* Aids in developing manual dexterity and finger coordination.
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